New features update

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Two fundamental features of this Fiber Management System are copying and pasting separate splice sheets. What does that mean? I’ll explain using an example. Imagine a simple architecture of a branch of a fiber optic network. For instance, you have a line of 10 nodes (that could be splice closures on poles), and you have to tap fiber #1 in node #1, tap fiber #2 in node #2 and so on. How would you draw that? In ou can create a splice sheet for the 1st node and copy it several times. After that you will have to adjust one needed fiber in each node, which is like 1 click. This approach is applicable to in fact an indefinite amount of nodes in your fiber optic network. does not serve as a network automation system, though in this above mentioned conditions, you can call it fiber network design automation system.

Next step is sending signals through the network, tracing routes, highlighting routes, searching for routes and metering attenuation. Follow us on youtube and other social networks & stay updated.

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